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Carbonara with Rigatoni
Serves 4
Carbonara with RigatoniTonnarello

I love this dish because it is a world famous dish however, not many people know how to make it the traditional way. The rich flavours and creamy texture make it one of a kind.


400g spaghetti
150g bacon (stretched)
100g pecorino
2 egg yolks
1 egg
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste


Carbonara with RigatoniTonnarello-1
  1. Cut the bacon into strips or cubes
  2. Put the bacon in a pan without adding any type of fat and brown well
  3. Grate the pecorino into a bowl and add the egg yolks and whole egg - mix well.
  4. Season the mixture with a pinch of pepper and set aside.
  5. Once the bacon has browned, drain it and transfer it to a container
  6. Bring water to a boil in a large pot and add salt.
  7. Put the spaghetti into the boiling water and cook.
  8. Add 1 or 2 ladles of pasta cooking water to the pan which browned the bacon with the heat off - let a cream form with the fat from the bacon.
  9. When the spaghetti is cooked, drain it directly into the pan containing the cream.
  10. Remove the pan from the heat, stir and let the pasta cool for about 30 seconds.
  11. Add the egg and pecorino mixture to the pasta, mix and then put the pan over the heat again and toss the pasta for a few moments.
  12. Turn off the heat, add the bacon, mix and serve.